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Pedro Ré
M013. 400min (40x5min) Luminance. AP130 F/6 , STL11002M, self-guided, Median, DDP, Paramount ME | M031/M032. 260min (26x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME | M031/M032. 260min (26x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME |
M031/M032. 260min (26x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME | M031/M032. 260min (26x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME | M031/M032. 260min (26x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME |
NGC7000/IC5070 region (three-pane MOSAIC). 160min+180min+320min (10min sub-integrations). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, Median, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | NGC7000/IC5070 region (three-pane MOSAIC). 3X180min (10min sub-integrations). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, Median, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | NGC7000/IC5070 region (three-pane MOSAIC). 3X180min (10min sub-integrations). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, Median, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. |
NGC7000/IC5070 region (three-pane MOSAIC). 160min+180min+320min (10min sub-integrations). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, Median, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5 (before/after). | NGC7000/IC5070 region. 350min (35x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, Median, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | NGC7000/IC5070 region (two-pane MOSAIC). 180min+160min (20min sub-integrations). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. |
NGC7000 field (two-pane MOSAIC). 80min + 80min (8x10min x2). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | Pelican nebula (IC5070). 180min (18x10min). TMB152 F/8, FF, STL11002M. Baader (35nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | NGC7000 field (four-pane MOSAIC). Nikon 105mm F/2.5 @4, ST-8XE, Astronomik H-alpha filter (13nm), SDMask, DDP. 300min+210min+180min+180min. Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS3. |
Gamma Cygnus Field (two-pane MOSAIC). 120min+140min (20min sub-integrations). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | Veil nebula (four-pane MOSAIC). 180min x2 (18x10min) + 90min x2 (9x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS3. | Cocoon nebula (IC5146). 180min (18x10min) + 80min (4x20min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS3. |
M016/17 region (1x3 MOSAIC). 70min (7x10min) + 40min (4x10min) + 70min (7x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | M011 region (two-pane MOSAIC). 80min+90min (8x10min+9x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS3. | M024 region. 220min (22x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. |
M008/M020 (two-pane MOSAIC). 110min x2 (11x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | M008/M020 region (four-pane MOSAIC). 80minx4 (10min sub-integrations). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | M017/18/24 region (1x3 MOSAIC). 150min (15x10min) + 70min (7x10min) + 70min (7x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. |
Horsehead Nebula (IC434, B33). 270min (27x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | M042. 158min (6x3min + 22x5min + 3x10min). TMB152 F/8, FF, STL11002M. Baader (35nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | M027. 220min (22x10min) Luminance image. TMB152 F/8, FF, STL11000M. Baader, self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5 |
M013. 480min (96x5min) Luminance. TMB 152mm F/8, STL11002M, self-guided, SDMask, DDP, Paramount ME | M071. 450min (90x5min) Luminance. TMB 152mm F/8, STL11002M, self-guided, Median Sum, DDP, Paramount ME | M022. 90min (18x5min) Luminance. TMB 152mm F/8, STL11002M, self-guided, Median Sum, DDP, Paramount ME |
M033. 1480min (148x10min). TMB 152mm F/8, STL11002M, self-guided, SDMask, DDP, Paramount ME | M031/M032. 300min (30x10min) 300min Luminance. AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Globular Clusters | M031/M032. 580min (58x10min) 280min H-alpha + 300min Luminance. AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME |
M031/M032. 280min (2x 14x10min) Luminance. TMB 152mm F/8, STL11002M, self-guided, SDMask, DDP, Paramount ME | M051. 265min (53x5min). TMB 152mm F/8, ST10-XE, self-guided, SDMask, DDP, Paramount ME | M84/M86. 150min (15x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M, self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME |
M101. 1520min (116x10min+72x5min). TMB 152mm F/8, STL11002M, self-guided, SDMask, DDP, Paramount ME | M101. 1400min (104x10min+72x5min). TMB 152mm F/8, STL11002M, self-guided, SDMask, DDP, Paramount ME | M106. 180min (18x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M, self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME |
NGC7331. 320min (32x10min). TMB 152mm F/8, STL11002M, self-guided, SDMask, DDP, Paramount ME | PEGASUS 1 GROUP (NGC7619/NGC7626). 120min (12x10min). TMB 152mm F/8, STL11002M, self-guided, SDMask, DDP, Paramount ME | ABELL 1656. 180min (18x10min). TMB 152mm F/8, STL11002M, self-guided, SDMask, DDP, Paramount ME |
ABELL 2151. 240min (24x10min). TMB152 F/8, STL11002M, self-guided, SDMask, DDP, Paramount ME | Horsehead Nebula (IC434, B33). 180min (18x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | Butterfly nebula (Gamma Cygnus Field). 120min (6x20min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. |
Swan nebula (M017). 150min (15x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | Eagle nebula (M016). 230min (23x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | Trifid nebula (M020). 120min (12x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. |
Lagoon nebula (M008). 120minx2 (10min sub-integrations). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | Cocoon nebula (IC5146). 360min (16x20min). TMB152 F/8, FF, STL11002M. Baader 35nm, self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | Jellyfish Nebula (IC443). 240min (24x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. |
Tadpole Nebula (IC410). 370min (37x10min) TMB152mm F/8, ST-10XE, self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | Bubble nebula (NGC7635). 240min (12x20min). TMB152 F/8, FF, STL11001M. Baader (35nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | Flaming star nebula (IC405). 320min (16x20min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. |
Rosette Nebula (NGC2244). 330min (33x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | Flame nebula (NGC2024). 180min (18x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | Whirpool Galaxy (M51). 1390min (182x5min + 48x10min). TMB 152mm F/8, STL11002M, self-guided, SDMask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. |
Sunflower Galaxy (M63). 120min (24x5min). TMB152mm F/8, ST-10XE, self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | Cigar Galaxy (M82). 270min (54x5min). TMB 152mm F/8, STL11002M, self-guided, SDMask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | |
Pelican nebula (IC5070). 240min (24x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | North America nebula (NGC7000 field). 80min + 80min (8x10min x2). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | Soul Nebula (Sh2-199, LBN 667). 140min (7x20min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. |
Monkey Head Nebula (NGC2174). 220min (22x10min). AP130 F/6, FF, STL11000M. Astrodon (6nm), self-guided, SDmask, DDP, Paramount ME. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | War & Peace nebula (NGC6357). Zeiss 135mm F/3.5 @4, SBIG ST-10XE, Takahashi EM-10 (self-guided), Astronomik H-alpha filter (13nm). Total integration time 90min, SDMask, DDP. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS5. | Star trails (circumpolar image). Canon 350D, Sigma Super wide-angle zoom lens (10-20mm) @ 10mm, 25x30s, ISO 800. Pedro Ré (20121117) |
Star trails (Arrábida, Portugal). Canon 350D, Sigma Super wide-angle zoom lens (10-20mm) @ 10mm, 30x30s 50x30s, ISO 800. Pedro Ré (20100908) | GALAXY CENTER. Unmodified Canon 5D, Canon 15mm F/2.8 lens (@ F/5), Takahashi Teegul equatorial mount. 54min (18x3min), Median Sum. Processed with ImagesPlus 5.5, Maxim DL 6 & Photoshop CS5. Alto Paraíso de Góias, Brazil (20140722/28) | M42. FS128 F/8.1, modified Canon 350D (Baader filter), 800ISO, 25x30s, SDMask, DDP. Processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop CS3. |
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