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Pedro Ré is currently an full Professor at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon with a PhD in Animal Ecology (University of Lisbon – 1984). His main research interests deal with the Ecology of the Ichthyoplankton, Ecology of the planktonic phase of sardine and anchovy, Daily growth of fish larvae based on the microstructure of the otoliths, Rhythms of activity of fish larvae and Fisheries Biology. He is also the author of more than 150 scientific papers (60 peer-reviewed) and 18 books (author, co-author or editor), and about 150 outreach papers dealing with marine Biology, amateur astronomy, history of astrophotograhy and history of the telescope.

I have been an amateur astronomer for more than 40 years, mainly interested in imaging the heavens (deep-sky but also the solar system). Over the years I have accumulated a few telescopes  that are house in two different observatories (roll-off-roof and dome) located in central Portugal.


I began imaging the heavens using conventional emulsion-based photography but now have turned to CCD's. In 1994 I bought a Hi-sis 22 CCD camera. I now own several CCD cameras: SBIG ST-7; SBIG ST-8E; SBIG ST-10XE ; SBIG STL1100. My images were published in several Astronomy Magazines: Sky and Telescope; CCD Astronomy; Astronomy; Astronomy Now; Astronomy Magazine; Ciel et Espace...).


In 2005 I acquired a Paramount ME german equatorial mount that was installed on a Pier Tech 1 telescope Pier.





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